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Exportation from Nigeria to any Country: A Guide on How to Become a Successful Exporter

July 9, 2024

In today's global market, the role of exportation cannot be downplayed or relegated to the background as it continues to be a safe option for individuals, companies and the government to sell their surplus goods or services to other nations at prices higher than those available in their home market. The protocols and documents that go into exporting goods around the world are what matter most. For instance, the seller or exporter needs the certainty that he will be paid while the buyer needs the assurance that he is getting what he is paying for. Therefore, it is crucial that an exporter is aware of the necessary procedures and paperwork. In the past and present times, successful exporters have collaborated with organizations like Terminal Africa Inc. to complete their work; this is a road that ambitious exporters can take and the content of the guide below is one that makes it easier.

Key Steps to Becoming a Successful Exporter in Nigeria.

  • Export Studies/Research

To find market prospects and potential clients and customers, an exporter must conduct some kind of research. Market research includes all techniques a business can do to identify which international markets have the greatest potential for its goods.

  • Export Records

The Form NXP must be filled out and registered with an Authorized Dealer (any Commercial or Merchant Bank) of the exporter's choice in order to conduct exports in Nigeria. Pro-forma invoices, pertinent certificates of quality, and shipping documents, such as bills of lading and exit, are among the additional records needed.

  • Controlling the Sourcing and Delivery of Products

Dealing with suppliers, logistics providers, warehouse facilities, freight forwarders, etc. is a crucial component of exporting. This phase demands the exporter's full attention because it has the power to make or break their exporting experience. Everything must be supported by written agreements in order to prevent misunderstandings and divergent views on what the parties have agreed to.

  • Observing the Terms of your Export Contract

It's imperative that you pay close attention to this stage because it's important to the export procedure. To review the commercial and legal provisions of the contract, it is advised that you seek the advice of specialists; some of whom are at Terminal Africa Inc.

  • Contract Negotiations

The exporter must sign an export contract with the potential buyer once a market for the goods has been identified. These contracts typically include clauses about price, quality, quantity, packaging, duration, payment terms, dispute resolution, and other things.

  • Learn about Laws and Agreements that support Exporters.

The Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), which was passed by the US Congress in 2000 and was recently extended to 2025, is one of many laws and treaties that are extremely beneficial to exporters but that a lot of people are not taking advantage of. Its goal is to give Nigeria and other eligible African countries the chance to develop their capacity in global markets.

  • Adhering to all Export Laws and Regulations

Given that international trade involves parties who are located in different parts of the world and who require comfort and assurance that they are transacting lawfully, the government has established rules and procedures that every exporter is required to follow. These include:

  1. Registration with NEPC - The Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC), the organization in charge of registering new entrants into the exporting business by awarding them an export license, must be contacted by a company that desires to export.
  2. Company Registration - Registration of a Limited Liability Company or Cooperative Society with Exportation as one of Its objectives is required for potential exporters.


The fact that Terminal Africa Inc. sets such a high value on customer and partner growth and satisfaction has won over many enterprises to the organization, and we hope that this guide fills in any gaps you may have had in your quest to ship your goods to different parts of the world without problem.